Freight dimensioning system for automatic freight measuring
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Freight dimensioning system for automatic freight measuring
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Dimension+ powered by MetriXFreight
We answer the most frequently asked questions
about the freight dimensioning system for automatic freight measuring
The freight dimensioning system for automatic freight measuring allows for an almost position-independent integration of the automatic measurement of palletised goods into the cross docking processes. The system integrates in a space-saving manner. That means the area under the ceiling-mounted measuring unit does not need to be reserved exclusively for the volume measuring system. The freight dimensioning system is also omnidirectional and can thus be accessed from different directions. In less than 1 second, the MetriXFreight volume measurement technology delivers precise measurement data.
As part of the DIVIS ecosystem, Dimension+ relieves your staff of tedious manual measurements while speeding up the loading and unloading of pallets. In addition, Dimension+ offers a variety of other benefits.
Find out more in our FAQ or by contacting us personally for a personal consultation.
With the Plus+ feature Dimension+ the automatic freight dimensioning can be integrated into our CargoVIS video management system. This adds valuable functionality to the video system that would normally require a stand-alone system application.
With the DIVIS ecosystem, different camera-based automations can be mapped via different Plus+ features, such as automatic freight dimensioning with Dimension+, and can be controlled while being fully integrated in a single platform.
You have not implemented the CargoVIS solution yet?
Or your logistics hall is already equipped with CargoVIS, but you would now like to integrate the automatic freight dimensioning?
Then contact us to learn more in a personal advisory conversation!
Yes, the freight dimensioning system is legal for trade and can be certified according to the customer's needs.
If the measurement data is to be used for transport cost invoicing, it is obligatory to use legal for trade data for this purpose in countries such as Germany and Austria.
It should be noted that the regulations for the certification of legal for trade measurement systems may differ from country to country. Therefore the respective valid regulations must be observed and implemented by the operator.
Maximum legal for trade measurement size: 650 cm x 240 cm x 240 cm (L/B/H)
Minimum legal for trade measurement size: 20 cm x 20 cm x 10 cm (L/B/H)
Learn more about how automatic freight dimensioning works with Dimension+
Depending on the type of goods, the freight dimensioning system enables the measurement of almost any shipments. On average, this means that at least 80-90% of all pallets can be measured automatically.
Exceptions are highly reflective pallets (with mirror-like surfaces) or completely transparent objects (made of glass or plexiglass) as well as black-foiled goods or items with protruding foil. These palletised goods will most likely not be measured automatically by the freight dimensioning system.
For the measurement, the employee places the respective pallet with the forklift truck briefly under the ceiling-mounted measurement station and carries out a scan. He then continues his path. The complete measuring process from setting down to continuing the journey is completed within a few seconds. The actual measurement of a pallet takes only a few milliseconds.
For this reason, up to 600 measurements are possible per hour with the freight dimensioning system.
Find out more about how automatic freight dimensioning works with Dimension+ here.
The freight measurement system is adaptable to different process-related requirements of the logistics environment and therefore offers various scan options for the assignment of measurements to pallets, depending on which procedure fits best into the processes of the respective logistics setup.
Option 1: Scan of a measuring station barcode
Option 2: Inbound scan of the pallet at the measuring station
Option 3: Additional scan of the pallet at the measuring station
→ Reducing employee workload through automatic measurements
→ Correct transport cost invoicing with the help of legal for trade measurement data
→ Precise planning of loading space utilisation and optimisation of transports based on reliable volume data
In addition to the measurement data itself, the DIVIS ecosystem provides a variety of other data that are important in the daily logistics processes. For example, other data obtained along the handling process, such as video and location data, can help to clarify losses and damage to goods. In addition, the combination of data opens up valuable opportunities for process optimisation and automation.
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Added value of the DIVIS ecosystem for your company
Combination of a variety of essential data on a single platform
On the way of each pallet through the logistics hall, further components of the DIVIS ecosystem collect a variety of important data for daily logistics processes, such as video and location data, in addition to the measurement data determined by the automatic freight dimensioning system.
Combined, this wide variety of data on a single platform accumulates added value for your logistics.
With the DIVIS ecosystem, various camera-based automations can be mapped via different Plus+ features and controlled fully integrated via a single platform. In this way, DIVIS solutions also facilitate the clarification and documentation of shipment losses or damages and increase security on the premises.
Comprehensive functionality in one solution
DIVIS' unique platform fully integrates Plus+ features for a wide range of logistics applications into its software solutions.
The need for a multitude of stand-alone solutions is eliminated.
With the user-friendly software interface, your employees always maintain oversight of the complex facets of your logistics and can use the data obtained in your TMS for company-wide processes with cost-reducing benefits.
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Business Development Manager
Dimension+ powered by MetriXFreight is a Plus+ Feature for our video management system.
Find palletized shipments quickly with CargoVIS
With our system solution CargoVIS, we offer you a comprehensive and easy-to-use investigation tool for image-based tracking of palletized goods.
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