Our Christmas Video
DIVIS wishes you festive holidays
Bordesholm, 19 December 2021
In 2021, our path once again led through a year filled with challenges. However, the saying "People grow with their tasks" was again confirmed in practice under these circumstances: Thanks to the committed cooperation of our customers, partners and employees, despite all hurdles our already very good previous year's balance sheet was once again surpassed in the past months. We are very grateful for your cooperation and look forward to working with you towards new goals in the upcoming year and to inspiring you with our new products and services.
Today, video management systems ensure transparent and smooth processes in many logistics facilities. The resulting overview is essential for logistics companies in order to be able to continue coping with the constantly growing demands and shipment volumes.
The shipping business is booming. Even Santa Claus is not immune to this development. That's why the North Pole too has been relying on the advantages of a video management system in the gift depot for some time now.
This year, our Christmas video provides a rare glimpse behind the scenes of the festive logistics and shows how video management ensures that the presents can be delivered on time everywhere.
Find our Christmas Video:
The support of our great clients and partners and the commitment of our staff turned 2021 into a successful year for the DIVIS project business. At the same time, especially now during the ongoing Corona period, help is particularly urgently needed in many places. Donating to regional and national charitable organisations has become a tradition at DIVIS. That is why also this year again we are distributing our donations for charitable purposes as usual.
We wish you a Merry Christmas season and a good and healthy start into the year 2022!
Im Namen des gesamten DIVIS-Teams
Yours Hendrik Reger
- Managing Director -

This year we have decided to give an additional gift to another organisation with our Christmas donation:
Reit- und Fahrverein Bordesholm und Umgebung e.V. (Riding and Driving Club Bordesholm and Surroundings)
The Reit- und Fahrverein Bordesholm und Umgebung e.V. looks back on a long history. It was founded in the hotel "Zum Landhaus" in Bordesholm on August 7, 1947 to preserve the tradition of rural horse breeding and riding.
In the long term, the foundation of this association contributed to the equestrian sport regaining its great importance after the war. The economic and technical switch to motors in carriages and farming equipment made the horse as a working companion no longer necessary. Instead, the use of the graceful warmbloods now focused on their sporting side in a wide variety of disciplines. The Bordesholm Riding and Driving Club acted on this change and offered training opportunities and competitions for all areas.
DIVIS donation for a new vaulting horse
Vaulting is one of the oldest sports. Artistic riding, a combination of gymnastics and riding, was already known and popular in ancient times. The Bordesholm Riding and Driving Club has had vaulting groups since 1965. They form the basis of the youth work in the association. This youth work fulfils important social functions for young people. It not only trains physical balance, but also develops social skills, the sense of community and provides training in the handling of the animals.
Two vaulting horses were available for training until one of the animals unfortunately died in 2018. Due to its age, the remaining horse will also no longer be usable for the sport in the foreseeable future. For this reason, the association is currently looking for a new suitable animal to replace the old horse when the time comes.
As a local company, it is important to us to support local initiatives for our community, especially in challenging times. Therefore, the association receives a share of our Christmas donation.
DIVIS has been donating to the following regional and national organisations for several years, and this time is no exception:
Spielmobil of the Bordesholm Youth Centre
A Spielmobil (play mobile) is a motor vehicle equipped with play and craft materials, sometimes also a trailer or construction vehicle. At flexible times, this vehicle drives to places, parks, playgrounds or schools, for example. That means, it goes exactly where the children are, and provides additional play opportunities or a substitute for missing play opportunities.
The Spielmobil of the youth centre in Bordesholm is a trailer filled with a bouncy castle, roundabout, BobbyCar, ropes, bouncy balls, swing towels, speedminton and much more. In the coming year, the youth centre plans to use the rolling entertainment to expand other play activities. It is known that carefree play reduces the pressure on children, which enhances performance at school and at the same time promotes mental development, individual development and social learning. This way, the Spielmobil makes an important contribution to extracurricular education.
Friends of the Lindenschule Bordesholm e.V.
The association supports the Lindenschule financially and enables many activities and projects for the adolescents. The support, financed by donations, brings more joy into the school day and increases the general well-being of the children.
Friends of the Kindergarten Birkenweg Bordesholm e.V.
The association, founded by parents, supports the children and the kindergarten with material purchases and cultural experiences. As a family business, the promotion of young people is very close to our hearts, which is why we are happy to contribute to an environment full of colourful and nature-based diversity for the children with a donation.
Die Lebenshilfe Bordesholm-Nortorf e.V.
The Lebenshilfe was founded to support physically or mentally handicapped people in our area. The association offers people - with and without disabilities - a wide range of leisure activities. Unfortunately, these activities are still limited by the contact restrictions during the Corona pandemic. Lebenshilfe tries to maintain personal contacts through telephone calls, letters and walks in the fresh air and to continue offering emotional support.
Also for this reason, a media room has been set up with a screen, beamer and iPad for watching, working and playing together.
At the moment, however, there is only one iPad. The Lebenshilfe team has decided to purchase another 4-5 iPads in order to be able to provide further forms of entertainment but also educational added value (e.g. writing exercises, reading clocks, memory etc.) with these little digital helpers and apps especially for people with disabilities.
If developments allow, it is also planned to organise a trip to Hamburg to a Santiano concert.
As the association is mainly financed by donations and is particularly dependent on this form of help, we hope that our donation can do its part to make the plans become reality at this difficult time.
KGV Bordesholm (Bordesholmer Tafel)
Founded in 2009, the Bordesholmer Tafel collects food from local grocery shops for those in need in the area every week.
Once again this year, the Corona pandemic has made the work of the Tafel anything but easy. For many, limiting direct contact is a major problem, as meeting every Friday at the Tafel fulfils an important social function for them. Short conversations, albeit with a mask, a friendly word, "being noticed" - all this contributes to people in need receiving not only physical but also emotional attention.
To ensure that care for these people can continue and that the best possible protection against infection is guaranteed for staff and recipients, the Tafel has invested part of the donations in masks, air filters, test sets and other hygiene measures.
For several years now, DIVIS has been committed to helping people who need support right in our neighbourhood, and so we are again making a donation to the Tafel this year.
Trösterbärchen „Tommy“ (Tommy the comforter bear) on a rescue mission for children
Children are among the most vulnerable traffic participants. In Germany alone, many thousands of them are involved in road accidents every year. Rescue services are called out time and time again to treat ill or injured children in the ambulance. For the little ones, the situation causes considerable stress. In this moment, a soft cuddly toy can act as a comforter, providing relief and consolation. This is how the idea of the Trösterbärchen „Tommy“ was born. Giving the plush bear to injured children helps rescue workers and doctors to reduce the children's fears and gain their trust. Tommy calms the little patients and accompanies them through the treatments. They can also use him to show where they are in pain.
Thanks to the support of many local companies, Trösterbärchen „Tommy“ is actively used by the emergency services in the district of Rendsburg-Eckernförde. A commitment that we are also very happy to join once again.
Image Conpyright: Trösterbärchen @ Verlagsgruppe KIM
Sternenbrücke Children's Hospice Foundation
The Sternenbrücke children's hospice opened in 2003. The Sternenbrücke team lovingly accompanies children, adolescents and young adults with illnesses or disabilities that severely shorten their lives. The sick children and their families find individually tailored care and support here for every stage of their difficult journey. In the event of the loss of a child, the hospice is also there to help relatives cope with their grief.
The foundation is mainly financed by donations. That is why we want to make a contribution this year as well.
Save the Children Deutschland e. V.
In 2020, we became a partner of "Save the Children Deutschland" and support the organisation with our donation in various projects. The focus is on emergency aid in current crises. Whether conflicts, wars, natural disasters or the Corona pandemic: children suffer the most.
Many trouble spots around the world threaten the safety and well-being of children: the war in Syria, hunger in East Africa, war, famine and cholera in Yemen, famine and a difficult political situation in Afghanistan. These are just a few sad examples of the crises of our time. As the emergency aid missions are only possible with financial aid, we want to support and give hope here.
Future for Lola's Children e.V.
Together with the sisters of the Spanish order "Missionary Daughters of Calvary", this small non-profit association supports orphans in Zimbabwe. The goal is to prepare these orphans for an independent future through numerous projects.
Orphanage project in Binga
The orphanage project is the heart of the association's work. Currently, 18 children and three sisters live there in a community. In addition, children in immediate need of help are repeatedly accommodated for a limited period of time.
Together with the children, the gardener Josphat continuously cultivates the vegetable garden and takes care of the chickens. Unfortunately, the chicken project is currently not rolling in the hoped-for and necessary economic income, as customers have vanished due to the Corona situation.
School Fees Project
Zimbabwe was again in a lockdown from March to September 2021. The children have only been going back to school since September. The school fee project finances school attendance for about 270 children.
The Tshongogkwe dispensary treats up to 100 outpatients daily. In addition to medical treatment, vaccination programmes and HIV prevention are offered as well as preventive child and prenatal care. Since most women in the region live too far away from the ward to be able to reach it by foot during labour, there will be a house for heavily pregnant women, following the example of other hospitals. The main building is under construction and will accommodate 12 women.
The donations will be used for the remaining financing of an outhouse with a communal kitchen including an outdoor cooking area, a sanitary house with a washroom and two toilets. After completion of the "Mother Shelter's House", pregnant women from the region will find a place to stay here on a self-catering basis for the ninth month. In the immediate vicinity of the infirmary, they will receive medical care and quick help in case of any complications. Here, the women can relax away from their difficult everyday family life and enjoy the fellowship with other heavily pregnant women.
Food parcels for families
Last year, the association was able to raise a very large sum of money through donations for food and medicine aid in the nuns' wards. Medicines were also available in sufficient quantities. Therefore, the association invested the total amount in food parcels and supplied 140 families in each of ten different places.
A total of 1,400 households received a package consisting of maize flour, oil, beans, salt and sugar. This can be used to prepare maize pap cooked over a fire, the only meal a day for most families. This year, a part of the donations will also be used to repeat this organised effort.
Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation
The school initiative, which was founded in 2007 as a result of a school presentation by Felix Finkbeiner, is now a global movement with one big goal: motivating humanity to plant 1,000 billion trees. The student's vision is that children in every country can plant trees and thus take CO2 offsetting into their own hands. So far, more than 91,000 children in 75 countries are active for Plant-for-the-Planet and pass on their knowledge to others. The initiative produces impressive results: on average, over 5,500 trees are planted every day.
Sustainability is one of the core values of our company. So far, however, we ourselves have not had the opportunity to become completely climate neutral. Therefore, we would like to support a healthy climate with our donation to this foundation.
Project Matumaini - Good Hope e.V.
The association, founded in 2017 by medical student Antonia Pelshenke, started in 2009 with an aid project for orphans in Tanzania. In the meantime, long-term life prospects are being created in a boarding school for 14 children through schooling or manual training.
In the near future, a centre is planned to be built on site for the children so that they no longer have to live in the boarding school. Since the school fees are significantly lower without the boarding school costs, even more children can be supported in the long term in this way.
The centre will also offer opportunities for adolescents for whom school attendance alone does not offer sufficient prospects, for example because they are already older. In addition, various workshops, music lessons and training courses are planned.
The promotion of children and their equal rights are very important to us, which is why we want to make our contribution here as well.